Solids and cavities in architecture
The first impact we get from architecture is through visual observation. We, as observers can’t completely remember or understand what we see in a short amount of time, so our brain “chooses” through different elements details that it recognizes, and recreates it later. This an be seen in architects work as well when after making their first sketches begin to evolve their designs, combining different shapes and structures to what they find to fit the best. Architecture, is however a spatial art, thus its not only dependent on what is already there to be seen(solids) but also what can be seen from the missing (cavities). Solids and cavities in architecture differentiate according to the function and structure of the building. They are being created by some elements such as objects or boundaries and planes which define limits. Horizontal elements that create solids and cavities may be in different positions, for example: base plane, elevated base plane, depressed base plane or overhead p...