Summery on the First and Second Week's Reading "Arch" & "The meaning of Art"
1.What is architecture
Course : introduction to architecture
Defining architecture in one sentence is very challenging and many wise people like Ruskin, Fergusson ,etc tried to achieve it . The most appropriate definition would be “Architecture does not consist in beautifying buildings but in building beatifully”.
Herbert Read ,The meaning of art
The word “ art” is associated with those which we distinguish as ‘plastic ‘ or ‘visual’ but it should include the art of literature and music. A certain common characteristic to all arts is plastic art . Other forms of art are also music and literature.
Music alone its possible for the artist to appeal to his audience directly , only the composer of music is perfectly free to create work of art out of his own consciousness with no other aim rather than to please . Art itself and all artists have the intention and desire to please and create pleasing forms . Such forms satisfy the sense of beauty which is satisfied when we are able to appreciate harmony of formal relations among our sense - perceptions .

Course : introduction to architecture

Defining architecture in one sentence is very challenging and many wise people like Ruskin, Fergusson ,etc tried to achieve it . The most appropriate definition would be “Architecture does not consist in beautifying buildings but in building beatifully”.
Herbert Read ,The meaning of art
The word “ art” is associated with those which we distinguish as ‘plastic ‘ or ‘visual’ but it should include the art of literature and music. A certain common characteristic to all arts is plastic art . Other forms of art are also music and literature.
Music alone its possible for the artist to appeal to his audience directly , only the composer of music is perfectly free to create work of art out of his own consciousness with no other aim rather than to please . Art itself and all artists have the intention and desire to please and create pleasing forms . Such forms satisfy the sense of beauty which is satisfied when we are able to appreciate harmony of formal relations among our sense - perceptions .

General theory of art is a supposition where the man responds to the shape and surface and the mass of things which present to his senses , where certain arrangements in the proportion of the three aspects mentioned come together in result of a pleasurable sensation .The sense of pleasurable relations is the sense of beauty and the opposite sense would be the sense of ugliness .
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